71: Into the Fire

71 Into the Fire Korean is a 2010 South Korean war drama film directed by Lee Jaehan. The film was made in commemoration of those who fought during the Korean War, to raise awareness of the existence and importance of the studentsoldiers during that period.

These 71 teenagers, most of whom had never shot a gun before, managed to hold out against the advancing North Korean army forhours. Their heroic defense of the area was actually a turning point in the Korean War. 71 Into the Fire tells the story of these studentsoldiers over the course of that fateful day.Oh JangBeom, a volunteer militia studentsoldier in a battle inside Yeongdeok, North Gyeongsang Province. He is ordered to run around and deliver supplies to soldiers in need, and help with any injured soldiers. As the city is later overrun with North Korean troops, he is grabbed by Lieutenant Kim JunSeop and pulled behind a building to hide with him and his platoon. They move through the alleyways where they run into North Koreans attacking from both ends of the narrow alley. Eventually all were killed except for Kim, JangBeom, and a North Korean soldier. During the fight, the lieutenant pushes JangBeom out of the way to save him, when he is shot by the last North Korean, who charges and stabs him with his bayonet and pins him to a wall. JangBeom, mortified, searches his pockets for a rifle round, but is unable to kill the North Korean due to his fright. Another South Korean unit shows up and kills the North Korean soldier, and they help the wounded officer to a field hospital in Pohang. Feeling guilty, JangBeom stays with the commander, and tries to comfort him, but he soon dies from loss of blood and his wounds. He puts the bloody rifle round which could have saved the officer into his pocket and keeps it as a memento. ........

Source: Wikipedia